hahah orange u glad ur not the banana
that was funny... man the ebonics pirate banana had to b the best part
hahah orange u glad ur not the banana
that was funny... man the ebonics pirate banana had to b the best part
haha lets listen to reggae
man nice music and style, haha pirates are cool. lets listen to raggae. wasnt long enough though, and some corlor cant hurt either.
Hah wierd asian stuff
That was wierd, good albeit, but wierd, a little fruity tho, but interesting concept
Nothing i hate more that brit humor
Nothing i hate more that british humor(with the exception of john cleese and eddy izzard and monty python and stuff, oh yeah and dudley moore, god rest his soul). Man that had no personality... whatsoever
Wow me likey
That was pretty good, not the best newgrounds litteracy but still its up there. The only thing that urked me is the earth/moon preloader thingy. Doesn't the earth rotate fully 28 times before the moon revolves once!? hence there only being a full moon every 28 days or so? Its not a big deal but it kinda looks dumb
hahah he might be cheating but who cares
Who cares if hes cheating, it coulda been worse, it isnt as bad as whats no. 1 for today, which is "freaks come out at night" i cant believe that was number one...
Wow that was junk
What was that, some eyes and some sounds, maby a flashlight and some fire. thats about it. This is definatly a short day for newgrounds
That story was pretty funny, wesley willis rocks... ian needs lotion for his toad carl! haha
Ian says: Scott and I agree that Wesly Willis is the coolest person ever. He takes us for rides on the hell-ride bus! He is a nice person to the max! Thank you for the kindly words!
Oh fuck my head, man this was funny. Shut up fool, Shut up you fuck, lol, that was classic. Man, if you make more, this will be my favorite series, next to beebo.
I'm canadian and it sux
Yep, that was gay, but on the other hand the canadian hockey team did well, they beat the unbeatable, well before that the US team hadn't lost
I treat objects like women (yeah, yah heard me.)
Age 40, Male
Technical suppt
Of hard knocks
London Ontario
Joined on 2/20/02